My friend from France taught me the recipe. Easy and delicious fish recipe!

Alle Rezepte

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My friend from France taught me the recipe. Easy and delicious fish recipe! Recipe with sardines.

Hello my friends! 😘 Today I am preparing a delicious recipe with potatoes and canned sardines. A quick and very tasty recipe. Simple, healthy and very tasty. You definitely didn't cook potatoes that way. Very quick recipe. Just cut and boil potatoes and add canned sardines and your family will love it! If you haven't tried this delicious potato recipe yet, do so and let me know in the comments "How do you like this easy recipe?!" to know. Have a nice day!🥰🤗
I want to cook this dinner every day. Simple and tasty recipes with canned fish!
You have eggs and canned sardines at home❓ Easy recipe One of the best and easiest recipes with fish. Quick and tasty for lunch or as a light dinner! Good quality canned sardines are a fantastic ingredient, delicious! It's cheap and versatile. Flour is not needed! If you love sardines and co. as much as I do, you should try this delicious one. Canned tuna potato casserole can be prepared like this. Its juicy interior with an intense fishy and spicy taste, covered by a golden, crispy crust, makes this dish perfect for a surprise event and one of the best cooking options with canned fish. It's easy, fast, economical, healthy and delicious. that's all you need!

recipe and ingredients

Potatoes 3 pcs.
Clean and cut into strips.
You can boil potatoes
And then cut.
Boil potatoes until soft.
Add some salt.
1 onion.
Clean and cut.
Heat frying pan.
Add 20g butter.
Melt the butter.
Fry the onion in a pan.
Until golden.
Place a shallow ceramic casserole dish in the oven.
Grease well with butter.
Place half of the boiled potatoes in the dish.
Distribute over the entire surface.
Add fried onion.
Sardines in olive oil (2 cans) 125 g each
Knead the fish lightly and put it in the mold.
Put the second part of the potato in the mold.
Crack 3 eggs into a bowl.
Fat-free cream 1 cup (250 ml).
Black pepper.
Whisk the filling and pour into the mold.
Grate 100 g Swiss cheese.
In the oven 200C / 400F / 40 minutes /.

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recipes and ingredients

Potatoes 3 pcs.
Clean and cut into strips.
You can boil potatoes
And then cut.
Boil potatoes until soft.
Add some salt.
1 onion.
Clean and cut.
Heat frying pan.
Add 20g of butter.
Melt the butter.
Fry the onion in a pan.
Until golden.
Place a shallow ceramic casserole dish in the oven.
Grease well with butter.
Place half of the boiled potatoes in the dish.
Distribute over the entire surface.
Add fried onion.
Sardines in olive oil (2 cans) 125 g each
Knead the fish lightly and put it in the mold.
Put the second part of the potato in the mold.
Crack 3 eggs into a bowl.
Fat free cream 1 cup (250 ml).
Black pepper.
Whisk the filling and pour into the mold.
Grate 100 g of Swiss cheese.
In the oven 200C / 400F / 40 minutes /.

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Thanks for your time!

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   / @allerezepte  


Mon ami de France m'a appris la recette. Recette de poisson facile and delicious! Recette with the sardines.

Recette et ingredients

Pommes de terre 3 pieces.
Nettoyer et couper en lanières.
Vous pouvez faire bouillir des pommes de terre
Et puis coupe.
Faire bouillir les pommes de terre jusqu'à ce qu'elles soient tendres.
Ajouter un peu de sel.
1 oignon.
Nettoyer et couper.
Faites chauffer la poêle.
Add 20 g de beurre.
Fair fondre le beurre.
Faire revenir l'oignon dans une poêle.
Jusqu'à doré.
Prenez un plat de cuisson en céramique peu profond dans le four.
Bien graisser avec du beurre.
Ajouter la moitié des pommes de terre bouillies dans le moule.
Repartir sur toute la surface.
Ajouter l'oignon frit.
Sardines a l'huile d'olive (2 boxes) 125g chacune
Petrissez legèrement le poisson et addez-le au moule.
Ajouter la deuxieme partie de la pomme de terre dans le moule.
Cassez 3 oufs dans un bol.
Creme non grasse 1 cup (250 ml).
Le sel.
Poivre noir.
Fouetter la garniture et verser dans le moule.
Râpez 100 g de fromage suisse.
Au four 200C / 400F / 40 minutes /.



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