Get lost in the wilderness with two hours of atmospheric and mysterious indie music! Tracklist & download below… 👇
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💿 Tracklist:
0:00 Tommy Ashby - ‘Closer’
/ tommyashbymusic
4:04 Northwest Stories - ‘With Me’
/ northwest_stories
6:20 DM Arthur - 'Somewhere in the Inbetween’
/ dmarthurgram
10:11 Verdiblume - ‘Look You in the Eye’
/ verdiblume
13:40 Amistat - ‘anew’
/ amistatmusic
17:09 Zackery - ‘On the Edge’
/ just.zackery
19:48 SIIKA - ‘Send us to the Mountain’
22:30 Vraell - ‘Point’
/ iamvraell
26:52 Atomic Blonde - ‘You Became God’
/ atomicblondeofficial
30:09 Francis Moon - ‘The Weight Of An Ocean’
/ francismoonmusic
33:35 Tomas Ferdinand - ‘Rush’
/ tomasferdinand_official
36:30 Hazlett - ‘Please Don’t Be’
/ thisishazlett
39:24 L.i.E - ‘Hurt or Heal’
/ l.i.emusic
42:22 Garrett Kato - ‘With You’
/ garrettkato
45:13 Pat Tierney - ‘Shadows’
/ pattierneymusic
50:04 Alissimon - ‘Carousel’
/ alissimon
53:10 Emily Hackett - ‘Follow Me Down’
/ ms_emilyhackett
57:09 Reed Pittman - ‘Because of You’
/ reedpittman
1:00:41 A. Johanson - ‘Fragments’
/ a.johanson_
1:04:33 Cujo Moon - ‘Water From The Mountain’
/ cujo.moon
1:08:16 Richard J Aarden - ‘Nomadic Head’
/ richardjaarden
1:12:16 Matt Van - ‘creature of habit’
/ mattvanmusic
1:15:22 Evan Crommett - ‘Queen Anne’s Lace (feat. Ellie Van Amerongen)’
/ evan.crommett
1:18:51 The Satellite Station - ‘Simple Miracles’
/ thesatellitestationmusic
1:22:18 Francisco Sola - ‘I’ll Be Gone’
/ franciscosolamusic
1:27:42 Vintz Desert - ‘Sisyphus’
/ vintzdesertmusic
1:30:40 Elsdeer - ‘Ten Years Time’
/ elsdeer
1:36:18 Riley Pearce - ‘The Water’
/ rileypearcemusic
1:39:59 Two Truths - ‘Chasing’
1:43:08 Dan Fable - ‘Rocket Man’
/ fabledan
1:46:25 Jacob Hudson - ‘To Get Away’
/ jakehud
1:50:44 Elvira Alfaro - ‘little things’
/ iamelviraalfaro
1:54:23 Amber & the Moon - ‘Howling’
/ amberandthemoon
1:57:38 George David - ‘Gin & Tonics’
/ georgedavid100
2:00:08 wilter - ‘floating-testing’
2:03:20 Kieran Samuel - ‘Breathing Out’
/ kieransamuel_
2:07:06 néomí - ‘redemption’
2:10:42 dora - ‘3 years older’
/ dorathedora_
2:14:20 A Year On Earth - ‘Wildfire’
/ ayearonearth
2:18:17 Keep Breathing, My Angel - ‘Anymore’
/ keepbreathingmyangel
2:21:52 Firewoodisland & Becky Green - ‘Wide Wide Space’
/ firewoodisland
/ beckygreensongs
2:26:13 Chimes in the Sky - ‘December’
/ chimesinthesky
2:29:54 Jacob Cook - ‘Cirrus’
/ jacobcookmusic
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❓ About alexrainbirdMusic: Since 2011, Alex Rainbird and Beth Paterson (since 2017) have been finding and sharing the finest independent music! Our goal is to provide the best platform for underrated artists to be heard, and for viewers to find amazing new music. We feature over 100 incredible new songs every month - subscribe to be the first to hear them!
#LostInTheWilderness #IndieFolk