? In this enchanting tale, follow the dynamic duo as they hatch a clever plan to outsmart the farmers, navigate through the moonlit village, and ultimately lead Tom to freedom. But the journey is not without challenges and surprises, making it an unforgettable night filled with laughter, camaraderie, and unexpected friendships.
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#mashaandthebear #kidsvideo #thanksgiving
00:00 Intro
00:15 Tom's Dilemma in the Moonlit Pen
01:00 Masha and the Bear's Secret Plan
02:00 Unlocking Tom's Pen and Crossing the River
02:45 Nighttime Laughter and Villagers' Pursuit
03:30 Meeting the Wise Old Owl
04:15 The Magical Sanctuary Revealed
05:00 Thanksgiving Feast in the Village
05:45 Trio in the Sanctuary - Unity and Acceptance
06:15 Conclusion and Call to Action