Maherchi Maya (माहेरची माया) Best Family Drama - Marathi Film | Milind Gavali, Nanda Shinde Randive

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सारांश: नंदिनी (नंदा शिंदे) तिचा प्रियकर मिलिंद (मिलिंद गवळी) सोबत लग्न करते. ते मिलिंदच्या घरात सुसंवादी जीवनशैलीत स्थायिक होतात, ज्यावर त्याची विधवा आई, एक बहीण आणि तिचा नवरा असतो. ती त्याच्यासोबत कुटुंब सुरू करते. तथापि, तिच्या वडिलांच्या निधनानंतर तिला तिच्या सर्वात वाईट स्वप्नाचा सामना करावा लागतो ज्यामुळे तिला तिच्या वारसा हक्कासाठी लढा द्यावा लागतो आणि प्रत्येकजण त्याच्याकडे डोळे लावून बसतो.

Synopsis: Nandini (Nanda Shinde) gets married to his love, Milind (Milind Gawali). They settle down to a harmonious lifestyle in Milind's house, which is occupied by his widowed mother, a sister and her husband. She starts a family with him. However, she faces her worst nightmare after her father passes away which leaves her to fight for her right to inheritance with everyone eyeing a piece of it.

Genre: Family, Drama
Star Cast: Nanda Shinde, Milind Gavali, Madhu Kambikar, Rahul Solapurkar,
Kishori Ambiye, Vijay Patkar
Director: Satish Randive
Producer: Satish Randive
Banner: Pasaydan Chitra
Music: Shashank Pawar

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Maherchi Maya Full Marathi Movie HD | Emotional Marathi Movie Maherchi Maya | Maherchi Maya Marathi Movie | Superhit Marathi Movie Maherchi Maya | Old Marathi Movie | Miling Gavali Movie Maherchi Maya | माहेरची माया | Video Palace Movies | Marathi Movies

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