"PREPARE NOW!" - This Is Your LAST CHANCE To Become A MILLIONAIRE In 2023 | Michael Saylor

Tom Bilyeu

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On Today's Episode:

Crypto winter is here, but what does that mean for you and how are you deciding to weather the storm? It was November 2021 when bitcoin hit 65,000 USD and it dropped to record lows this year. Speculation in a bear market will overshadow the best opinions out there and it makes it so confusing!

Is crypto ever making a comeback?

In this episode we’ve compiled all the best of Michael Saylor sharing his knowledge and insights on the crypto market, the world market, and how grim the situation really is with global economics. You still have options and opportunities to position yourself for wealth even in this market. Michael Saylor is an entrepreneur and business executive. He’s the executive chairman and co-founder of MicroStrategy. He’s been making predictions about bitcoin, but unlike others, he’s also backed his convictions financially.

Watch the full crypto playlist for more information:    • Impact Theory Crypto  


0:00 | Introduction to Crypto Is The Future
28:04 | Protect Your Assets
1:04:13 | Biggest Wealth Transfer in History
1:41:15 | When to Buy Crypto


“The volatility is the price you pay for the performance that you get. Oftentimes the best investment idea isn’t the most comfortable investment idea. ” [2:25]

“What you want to do is embrace technologies or ideologies that reinforce individual sovereignty and freedom.” [32:24]
“The lucky thing is you have an option, [...] to move all of your wealth onto a crypto network.” [1:02:41]

“The reason bitcoin is outperforming all the other asset classes is because it’s scarce, it's desirable, it’s technical.” [1:49:54]

“War is the suppression of the free market to the benefit of the public organization.” [2:01:33]

“Cyberspace is a political construct and it is not a physical construct. Money in cyberspace is political money.” [2:41:46]

Follow Michael Saylor:
Website: https://www.hope.com/
Twitter:   / michael_saylor  
Facebook:   / msaylor  
Instagram:   / michael_saylor  

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