Why Clarence Thomas Threatened To Quit

The Majority Report w/ Sam Seder

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ProPublica's Josh Kaplan joins Sam and Emma to discuss a crucial time in the tenure of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas. In the early days of January 2000, Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, burdened by financial strain despite his salary of $173,600 (equivalent to over $300,000 today), conveyed his frustrations at a conservative conference. During a conversation with a Republican congressman, Thomas hinted at the possibility of resigning unless Congress increased justices' pay, advocating for a raise. Despite his discussions, the ban on justices receiving paid speeches remained intact, and his efforts were outlined in confidential memos obtained by ProPublica. While Congress didn't grant a pay raise, Thomas later received an unusual stream of gifts, including vacations and financial support from wealthy benefactors, raising questions about the motivations behind these offerings.


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