When You Are Your Own Worst Enemy

Lens Of Law - Police Bodycam Videos

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On July 1st, 2023, in the town of Warren, Wisconsin, officers were dispatched to reports of a vehicle crash that occurred near a residences driveway. The caller stated they had been woken up by the sound of the crash and could see the vehicles hazard lights flashing in the tree line of the driveway.

The long occupant of the vechile, a woman named Cassandra, was found shaken up but okay. First responders assisted Cassandra out of the vehicle and to the ambulance on location for medical evaluation.

According to reports, Cassandra stated she had been at a get together at a friends house where she quote "had a few drinks of beer while there" and was on her way to her boyfriends house about 25 minutes from where the get together took place. While in the ambulance, Cassandra became verbally abusive and uncooperative with EMS staff. It was determined she did not require hospitalization.

Officers got Cassandra out of the ambulance where she continued to be uncooperative. She agreed to do field sobriety tests where she was argumentative during the entire duration. Eventually, it was determined she had not adequately passed the FST's and she was placed under arrest.

She was taken to the hospital for an evidentiary blood draw. At the hospital, she continued being uncooperative and kicked at hospital staff and equipment, she had to be restrained in order for the blood draw to take place. According to repots, the blood draw indicated an ethanol level of 0.218.

Cassandra was charged with OWI, 2nd offense, operating with prohibited alcohol concentration, 2nd offense, resisting an officer, unsafe lane deviation and failure to keep vehicle under control. She was found guilty only of OWI.

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The content we highlight is designed to provide a real-life glimpse into the encounters of law enforcement, not to demean or belittle those featured. In a world where misconceptions about police officers abound due to political narratives and distorted discussions, we believe it's more important than ever to shed light on these interactions in their authentic contexts. Our intent is to foster understanding and awareness among the general public by showing these encounters as they truly happen. We comply with YouTube's Fair Use Policy by condensing hours of footage into engaging highlights.
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