Analysts weighed in on the results of the Iowa caucuses on Tuesday, where more than half of Iowa Republican voters stuck with former U.S. president Donald Trump, propelling him toward what looks set to be a close rematch against Democratic President Joe Biden in the campaign for November's presidential election.
Rina Shah, political strategist and commentator, believes that the Iowa caucus is not representative of today's GOP, saying, “Let's not forget what's on the line when it comes to Super Tuesday. All those contests are going to give us the pulse of the Republican electorate, versus Iowa, which though it's first in the nation, again, we're looking at a very far right component of today's GOP, which isn't entirely MAGA-held."
However, Caroline J. Tolbert, Professor of Political Science at the University of Iowa, believes that Trump is the populist candidate, saying, "I think Trump is the populist candidate, and the economy and immigration are the populist issues. I think it was very telling of the country in that way. I think it's telling of the country, and I think it's telling of the issues for the Republican Party."
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