Multiview of the evolving situation in Reykjanes.
Chat is closed temporarily until such time and circumstances dictate the necessity of its reopening. Please enjoy the live streams.
The Icelandic Meteorological Office is the primary source for reliable information:
Icelandic Instititute of Earth Sciences:
Icelandic news sources:
Interactive live earthquake map:
GPS/GNSS data:
Nightbot commands:
The different views explained:
Top left:
Langihryggur is to the east of Grindavík by the site of the 2021 eruption in Fagradalsfjall. Looks west towards Grindavík, Þorbjörn and Svartsengi.
Bottom left:
Fagradalsfjall is on Mt. Þorbjörn looking at Sundhnúkar
Top right, upper (multiple options):
Reykjanesviti is on the far west of the peninsula looking east towards Svartsengi
Vogastapi is on the north of the peninsula by the town Vogar - looks south
Strandarheiði is to the north-east and also looks south
Maps of camera locations made by users: (from Joshua M)
Cameras are always in color.
Various sources of steam are visible in the views, they are from the power plants and geothermal areas and are normal.
After dark the lightbeam of the Reykjanesviti (a lighthouse, 69m a.s.l.) will be visible sweeping the frame in a constant pattern. Other lighthouses around the peninsula can sometimes be seen in any of the views.
Just north of Grindavík is a large intensily lit greenhouse, it will also sometimes reflect in fog or low clouds. To the west of Grindavík are large communications masts with red hazard lights.
Common questions about earthquake map:
Red pulsing circle on map? It's the location of the latest EQ.
Colors in list? Yellow = updated, Orange = just added, Blue = just updated, Green = In view on map, White = Not in view
What's aM? Estimated magnitude from the automatic system (Mw scale)
No new EQs? We might have a delay in getting new data, this sometimes happens (like at midnight) and EQs will be delayed for about 20 minutes.
What are the triangles? White triangles are peaks, green/yellow/orange and red triangles are volcanic systems with colour showing their aviation alert status
We use cameras from Hanwha like the XNP-6120 and XNP-6550. Provided by local distributor
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