वो सीट जहां UP में सबसे ज्यादा गोली चली, बाहुबली अभय सिंह का चुनाव कैसा है ? Ayodhya|UPElection2022

Lallantop UP

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There is a battle of two bahubalies in the Gosainganj seat of Ayodhya. Abhay Singh from SP and Aarti Tiwari, wife of Khabbu Tiwari from BJP, are in the fray. Saurabh Dwivedi and Abhinav Pandey spoke to Bahubali Abhay Singh. Abhay Singh is said to be close to Mukhtar Ansari. A few days ago there was news of firing between Abhay Singh and his opponent Vikas Singh. What did Abhay Singh say on the allegations? watch full interview

This is YouTube channel of Lallantop UP. Here you will get every news from today till the UP elections. The Lallantop team led by Saurabh Dwivedi has left for the election journey of UP. Saurabh Dwivedi is describing what is special in the election journey this time.

जो UP में हुआ, वो Lallantop UP पर दिखा. Lallantop UP है उत्तर प्रदेश की हर ख़बर का एक ठिकाना. राजनीतिक उठापटक हो, हमारी चुनाव यात्रा हो, सब कुछ यहां है. #KyaHaalHaiUP के वीडियोज के अलावा यहीं मिलेंगे चुनावी यात्रा के बिहाइंड द सीन.

What happens in UP, shows up on Lallantop UP. Lallantop UP is the single pit stop for everything related to Uttar Pradesh. From Political turmoil to our election coverage, you'll find everything here. Apart from #KyaHaalHaiUP videos, you'll find all of the Behind-The-Scenes videos that can be watched here.

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