Megyn Kelly on Argentina’s new president Javier Milei

Sky News Australia

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The Megyn Kelly Show host Megyn Kelly has discussed Argentina’s new president Javier Milei.

Mr Milei was elected as Argentina’s new president after receiving over 50 per cent of the vote in the second round of elections on Saturday.

The new Argentinian president is often compared to former US president Donald Trump and is known for notoriously bringing chainsaws to campaign rallies where he promised to cut state spending.

“He wants to get rid of virtually all of Argentina's government and the people support this because they have a 110 per cent inflation in Argentina, it’s a hot mess down there ready for a revolution,” she told Sky News host Paul Murray.

“We've seen this in place after place not only in the United States with Trump but the UK had its period with BREXIT they’ve sort of calmed down and gone more traditionalist as of late.

“Now Argentina, the people are rising up against these so-called elites and the more in your face these candidates are the more beloved they become.”



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