The series focused on six young adults (Jamie, Sooz, Alex, Nicki, Rob and Sasha), who lived in London in the 21st century. It depicts the lives and loves of a group of six teenagers with each episode told from a different character's perspective.
AS IF | UK TV Series | Episode 17 | Season 01 | Full Episode | Sitcom TV Series | Teen Drama
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JAMIE, SOOZ, NICKI, ALEX, SASHA and ROB. All friends, all around eighteen, and all stars in their own drama. Each half-hour episode of 'AS IF ' is shot from one of the group's point of view, as though that character is having a movie made of their own life. The thing is, each of them feels that this gives them control over the story they choose to tell, but we can see around the edges and between the lines, and they're less like the cast of 'Friends' than they like to think. Real life is just messier, and funnier, and more painful. All the stories in 'As If ' are ongoing, but by focusing on a different regular character week by week, the views presented in previous episodes are constantly challenged. For example, for the first couple of episodes, we may think that NICKI is Little Miss Perfect, but when she finally gets the camera a very different version of her will appear. Although their own private movie gives the characters the chance to imitate and parody the style of the programmes and films they love, with all the media sophistication of any 18-year-old, reality keeps fighting its way through. So JAMIE'S sitcom plans for a date with NICKI have lots of laughs, but not the kind he intended, and SOOZ'S cruel exposé of school cliques is sculptured by a crisis which overwhelms her own irony. Even ROB, the coolest man in town, has a story to tell which is painfully different from his public image. In this way, the flexible format helps us to explore the complex world of a group of London teenagers and has a potent source of drama (and comedy) in their anxieties about how they are seen, both by their friends and by the world.
⦿ Cast: Paul Chequer, Emily Corrie
#asif #teendrama #schoolromance
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► AS IF [UK Version]: • As If (UK Version)
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