Return to Alpha - the mod that return players to similar old versions CoD4 (2007) (Pre-Alpha). This mod is not based on any Pre-Alpha Versions, only on original game build. The missions will be provided as planned by the developers, but with some of my improvements. The mod is slowly but gradually updated. If you want to help me with this mod any support is best.
In the future will been created moddb page with this mod.
In this video demonstated two missions : 'Hunted' and 'The Sins of the Father'.
'Hunted' : There are no special differences except for voiceovers characters and end dialogue.
'The Sins of the Father' : All the actions took place during the day with rain.
There are some unused dialogs that I tried to add to the level. End scene from (CoD4 (2007) Pre-Alpha build 328 nightly ) has been restored.