नेलु, लिमी उपत्यका हुम्लाको एउटा अनौठो परम्परा हो। यो प्रथामा अविवाहित केटी बच्चा जन्माउन धनी पुरुष खोज्छन्। घरमा श्रीमती, बच्चा भए पनि महिलाको प्रस्ताव धनी पुरुषले स्वीकार गर्छन् तर विवाहको रूपमा होइन। बच्चा जन्मिएपछि महिलाले पुरुषसँग सरोकार राख्दैनन्। पुरुषले पनि महिलाको वास्ता गर्दैन्। वैधानिक रूपमा बच्चाको बुवा भने ती धनी पुरूष नै हुन्छन्। यसलाई समाजले पनि स्वीकार गरेको छ ।
The Nelu tradition is a distinctive practice deeply rooted in the Humla district of Nepal, situated close to the Tibetan border. Unmarried women seek out affluent men to bear children, adhering to a long-standing custom. Even if there is an existing wife and children in the home, wealthy men accept the woman's intentions, but this arrangement does not constitute a formal marriage. Upon the birth of a child, women don't continue the relationship, and men are not concerned for the women. Despite these strange aspects, the Nelu tradition's been living within the community since long ago.
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