Assam Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma on Monday accused the Congress of being a “key conspirator in the Annihilation of Sanatana Dharma gang”, amid the ongoing controversy over DMK leader Udhayanidhi Stalin’s remarks. Taking to social media on Monday, Sarma claimed the Congress would not have reacted the same way had Udhayanidhi commented on Islam or Christianity. “Rather than taking action against their alliance partners for anti-Hindu statements, Congress is seeking refuge behind the veil of 'Freedom of Speech'. Had the said leader made a comment on eradicating Islam or Christianity or any other religion, would Congress have brushed aside the issue as 'freedom of speech'? In fact, it is now clear that Congress is a key conspirator in the 'Annihilation of Sanatana Dharma' gang,” the Assam chief minister wrote in the tweet.
#himantabiswasarma #congress #udhayanidhistalin #udhayanidhistalinspeech #mkstalin #rahulgandhi #tamilnadunews
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